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Kentucky Fried Idiot

Ah, yes… chicken wagon moving day.

What in the world is the chicken wagon?  Glad you asked.

So, every couple of days we need to move the chicken wagon from one location on the farm to another.  This is done to give the chickens a fresh place to be every couple of days so they aren’t always stepping in their own crap.  And, we don’t want the pastures getting overloaded with nitrogen.  It’s better for everyone this way.

It’s a relatively simple process to understand.

First, we open the fence and start pushing the chickens where they need to go.  As shown in the picture below.

Chicken Round Up

You really just kind of shoo them to where they need to go.  The kids love doing this, so let them have at it.

Julia even treats these birds like they are her personal pets.  Complete with flowers.

She’s pretty much the “Chicken Whisperer” around here.


Then we move them to a new spot.


Moving Chicken Wagon

Caroline giving you the grand tour of the chicken wagon.  Wood chips.  Nest boxes.  And roosts.

She hides her enthusiasm well.

Tour of Chicken Wagon

Then we just set the netting back up and it’s complete.

Wagon Moving Complete

But my dear wife, unbeknownst to me, was videoing me rounding up the last of the stubborn chickens.  Now for the most part a majority of the chickens just mosey over to the next “paddock” without too much trouble but there are always the last few that are a bit of pain in the neck.

This video is a prime example of how I feel chasing these blasted chickens…



Now, unlike Rocky, I’m not training to beat Apollo Creed.  I’m just try to do my farmer thing and help these chickens get to where they need to go in order to get some more to eat.  They don’t know that.  They’re just running around like… a chicken.

And for those of you that are wondering what we’re doing on a day to day basis, this is it.

Ah, yes, chicken wagon moving day… my favorite.